Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Assignment Description: For this assignment I chose to do a portrait picture. The sheet we got told  us "This is a portrait of a person. Using the light that the subject is in show the personality of the subject in this photo. Fill the frame." The girl I took pictures of is my friend Jacqui. She is a very fun-loving person. I feel that these pictures show her positive personality. I put them in black and white just because I thought they looked better that way. Jacqui decided that she wanted to take pictures in a bunch of different outfits.

Photo Descriptions:
-The first picture is of Jacqui in her living room.
-For the second one she is sitting in a chair in her bedroom.
-The third picture is of Jacqui sitting in front of their storage area outside.
-This picture is of Jacqui in her backyard just being goofy.
-The fifth picture if a close up of Jacqui in her bedroom again.
-The sixth picture is also of Jacqui being goofy in her bedroom again.


What I Learned: During this assignment I learned that you can really create a certain mood in a picture just by the actions of your subject.

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