Monday, January 31, 2011

Best Still Life/Product Picture

Ravens Wood Wine

This is a picture of Raven's Wood Wine. It is sitting on one of our wood tables. I have placed a wine class and wine bottle opener with it. I feel that this gives the picture a more interesting quality. I have made sure that the picture is more focused on the wine and less on the other objects.
 ISO: 640
Aperture Settings: f/2
Shutter Speed: 1/60

Friday, January 28, 2011

Still Life/Product

Assignment Description: For this assignment we were supposed to take at least 50 pictures that were still life or showed a product well. We were told to take "A photo of a subject that (we) have arranged, much like an advertising type picture. Ofter shot in a studio setting using studio lighting techniques." I think that my pictures show each product in their best light.

Photo Descriptions:
-Ravens Wood wine on our wood table with a wine opener and glass
-Ravens Wood wine on our wood table with a wine opener and two wine glasses
-A different perspective on the last picture
-Our crystal bowl on another one of our wood tables
-Another picture of our crystal bowl on one of our wood tables
-My mom's MacBook Air

What I Learned: From this assignment I learned that editing a picture can make into a much better and completely different picture.

Gimp Assignment #2

Assignment Description: This was our second Gimp assignment. For this assignment we were supposed to work on a photo taken by a former student. It was a nice picture, but there was more that could be done to make it better. So we were to use Gimp editing tools to improve it.

Photo Description: This is a picture of a car at the Ann Arbor Auto Show.

What I learned: I learned about some cool editing tools that are part of Gimp. For instance I had no idea that you could get rid of the distracting background in a picture! I think that is really great!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Best Picture of Razzle


This is a picture of my dog Razzle with one of her favorite toys. She is sitting on her favorite bench in our living room. She will sit here on a daily basis. Especially during the summer, she loves it here because of she is in the center of everything. She can see us walking around in the house as well as keeping an eye on any squirels, dogs, deer, etc. that are wandering around outside.
ISO: 250
Aperture Settings: f/2.8
Shutter Speed: 1/40sec

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Assignment Description:
For this assignment we were told to take at least 50 pictures of an animal. We were supposed to "Capture the activity or nature of the animal." I feel that these pictures really show the sweet, fun, and loving personality of my dog Razzle.

Photo Descritions:
-Razzle with one of her favorite toys on her favorite bench in our living room.
-Razzle loves playing!
-Razzle sitting on our living room floor.
-Razzle in our kitchen.
-Razzle is known to jump up on people and stand on her back legs.
-The blanket that Razzle is laying on in this picture was a Christmas present to her and our other animals from our pet sitter.
-There are points of the day where she will calm down and take a little nap.
-Razzle being cute

What I learned:
From this assignment I learned that we have the ability to create some really interesting pictures with only one subject. My dog also seemed to be very photogenic. I feel like that tends to help when you have something/someone nice to work with.

Gimp Assignment #1

Assignment Summary
In this assignment we were told to take a portrait picture and then multiply and color it in the application Gimp.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Animal Pictures

These shots are great examples of animal shots. I feel that each one of them represents the animals in their environment really well. I hope to be able to take pictures that are this great. Since I have dogs and cats, mine hopefully will be very similar to these.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Composition Assignments

Assignment Description
For this assignment we were given ten elements of composition in photography. We were told to find examples of each of them in the real world. Here are my examples:

Photo Desriptions
The picture of the clock is demonstrating the rule of thirds.
The picture of the window is demonstrating symmetry.
The picture of the school hallway is demonstrating depth of field.
The picture of the chair cloth is demonstrating pattern.
The pink and black and white picture is demonstrating color.
The picture of the light is demonstrating perspective.
The picture of the picture frames is demonstrating balance.
The picture of my dog is demonstrating framing.
The picture of the cafeteria ceiling is demonstrating space.
The picture of the large ceiling-high window is demonstrating lines.
The picture of the board in the drama lab is demonstrating texture.

What I learned
During this assignment I learned all these elements of composition. I didn't know about many of them before it. I also learned how to have a more creative eye.